
Seoyoung Yoon is a Korean visual artist and a painter
based in Toronto (Canada) and Seoul (Korea).
She has a bachelor’s degree in fine art from
OCAD University in Toronto.
She mostly uses conté, oil pastel, and uses other various
mediums as a means of documenting how she feels as
she’s painting, using symbolism as a way to self-reflect.
through abstract forms she examines her personal
identity and explores defects in human nature.
Her work has appeared in exhibitions at the Ada Slaight
Gallery in Toronto, Canada (2023),
Villa Hamilton Gallery in Seoul, Korea (2022),
Holy Art Gallery in London, England (2022),
Ada Slaight Gallery in Toronto, Canada (2019), and
Onsite Gallery in Toronto, Canada (2019). Her artworks
have been published by commission for the book cover
(2021) and the Album cover (2017) in
Seoul, South Korea.

Artist Statement

My artistic practice started from personal conflict experiences. It centers on an exploration of both my personal identity and the flaws of human nature. My works have been focused on depicting explosive yet mysterious natures such as volcanoes, mountains, fires, and caves which are similar to my emotional states, by doing everyday drawings, layering abstract forms and making ritual objects. For example, I have created paintings that function as ‘time machines’, such as The Door, Archives, and Biography. Through those abstract works, I seek to capture the emotions of specific moments in time, utilizing symbolic doors as a means to provoke introspection and inquiry.

Recently, I have taken an interactive approach by utilizing childhood concepts of ‘Imitative Learning’ to produce participatory video and interactive installation. I incorporate childhood activities such as playing with dominoes and making paper airplanes to encourage others to draw different outcomes from an activity. Through closely observing and comparing the results, I gain a deeper understanding of my own childhood experiences and those of others.

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